You are on search for a new sportscar or a luxury sedan and did not find it here? We like to help you with your quest. Use our long standing experience in trade with exclusive vehicles.
We find your dream car too on international trade and like to deliver right up to your door.
With pleasure we care for marketing to the full extent of your current car.
After extensive reconditioning we create professional pictures for online marketing to offer it discreetly afterwards. Use our international network and our long standing expert assessment.
With our closed special trailer we transport your vehicle sure and clean to your required destination. Through a very low loading angle of only 7 degree also very flat cars can be loaded secure and without any damage.
With pleasure, we submit an individual offer for you.
The Company
The company Premium Automotive Concept Esser was founded in summer 2009. The company founder and managing director is Markus Esser.
Markus Esser was born in Aachen in 1980. He has first-class expertise in the automotive trade. Already during his studies he gained his first professional experience at a management consultancy specialised in the automotive sector in Frankfurt. After graduating with a degree in business administration in 2004, he received in-depth management training at one of the leading premium car dealerships in the USA. From 2005 to 2009, he worked for one of Germany’s most renowned luxury car dealerships, where he became divisional manager for modern sports cars and luxury automobiles from 2007 to 2009.

Today, Markus Esser has built up an international network of specialists, car collectors and enthusiasts from which you as a customer can benefit. With exclusive clientele and many years of experience in the trade, Markus Esser benefits from excellent contacts worldwide. Premium Automotive Concept Esser offers a special service for buyers and sellers and convinces through reliability and professional competence. Customer satisfaction always has top priority.
A large number of exclusive sports cars and luxury automobiles are presented on almost 2000 square metres of exhibition space in Alsdorf near Aachen. In recent years, the exhibition space has been continuously enlarged, the number of employees increased and investments made in the spatial and technical capacities.
Since April 2013 Premium Automotive Concept Esser is the official dealer for Koenigsegg in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We are proud to represent one of the fastest and most sophisticated supercars in the world.